Small papillomas of the throat: causes, treatment and risk

Papillomatosis of the throat

Papillomas of the throat are viral growths of the skin, symptoms of papillomavirus. It is invisibly present in the body of 90% of the people on earth. Carriers include infants, newborns, the elderly, young people and pregnant women. The infection enters the body uncontrollably and waits for many years for the right moment to strike. Growth, increase in the number of tumors indicates activity.

Causes and symptoms of papillomatosis of the throat

The impetus for the development of the disease is a decrease in immunity. The following reasons for the appearance of papillomas in the throat may affect the condition:

  • bad habits - smoking, alcoholism;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • serious chronic diseases;
  • avitaminosis, anemia;
  • long-term medicine;
  • stress, chronic depression;
  • allergic reaction;
  • diet imbalance;
  • hormonal changes that induce menopause, puberty, pregnancy.

The spread of papillomas on the throat often causes hormonal imbalances, endocrine disorders, including diabetes, followed by hypothyroidism and obesity.

Papillomas appear on a baby's throat due to maternal infection during birth, feeding or contact with the home (through toys, dishes and other items used by the virus carrier).

Initially, individual elements can form and change their size and color over time.

Papilloma of the throat

How to identify viral growth:

  • the growth has a small diameter;
  • structure is soft, loose;
  • shape is flat or oblong, convex, papillae on foot;
  • color - light as surrounding skin, darkens over time;
  • appearance accompanied by itching, range.

The growth consists of a thin epidermis and is easily damaged. If honesty is broken, acute pain, itching is felt, bleeding occurs.

Symptoms of the appearance of many small papillomas

Papilloma is a viral virus that has the ability to multiply rapidly and infect healthy tissues. This happens when you touch the infected element with your hands or objects and transport particles through the body, into the mucous membrane.

The neck is an open space, regularly exposed to negative factors. Several strains of the virus want to live in this part of the body. They spread because personal hygiene is not followed, rubbed with a collar from dresses, shirts, sweaters, breastbands, with a cloth. Is, rubbed skin with impaired blood circulation is a favorable environment for papillomatous infection.

A man is at greatest risk, less often a woman or a child. Representatives of both sexes and different age groups seek medical help.

Increases the activity of the virus, increases sweating, the use of cosmetics that do not let oxygen through the skin. The altered cells in the epidermis begin to grow rapidly. As a result, one has many small papillomas on the neck and décolleté.


To diagnose and prescribe treatment you need to consult a dermatologist. Your doctor will perform a visual examination, prescribe an examination.

The growth is initially examined under a skin examination to examine the structure.

Papillomatous tumors undergo PCR analysis to examine the DNA of the disease. Allows you to determine the strain, give an idea of ​​the amount of viral cells in the body. Thanks to a diagnosis, you can roughly find out the period of infection and identify the carrier. Your doctor can find out the cause of the virus' activity - at the same time reducing your immunity or worsening your long-term picture.

If a decision is made to remove, a biological sample is ordered at the same time. The resulting web is sent for cellular, histological examination. Cells are examined, which gives a reliable answer - dangerous factor or not, how likely is the stage of malignancy, transformation into cancer.

Based on the results obtained, your doctor will prescribe further treatment, carving. It is recommended that papillomavirus carriers undergo a periodic examination, PCR analysis to detect timely changes in factors and prevent disease progression.

Treatment Methods

The treatment is developed individually for each patient. If papillomas do not have a carcinogenic condition, you can be treated at home with approved drugs. For carcinogenic growth is intended to be removed with subsequent treatment. The option is chosen by the doctor taking into account a number of factors: size of growth, area of ​​injury, presence of contraindications, age of the adult or children of the patient. If the rebirth is started, the developmental stage of the oncologist plays an important role.


Complex treatment is performed to combat papillomas in the throat. It is important to influence the outside and inside of the germ. To increase immunity, the body's resistance will help drugs produced in the form of tablets, injections, powders.

Medicines may be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Every medicine has side effects, contraindications to use. Only a qualified specialist can choose a drug based on the results of an individual study of the patient.

Ointments are used to target the virus directly. They inhibit activity, prevent reproduction and reduce size. If the growth is small, it disappears after 1-2 weeks of treatment, for large papillomas it takes up to 8 weeks.

Keratolytics helps to remove bugs quickly:

  • a medicine that comes in the form of a liquid. A drop of solution is carefully applied exactly to the element and avoid spreading to the surrounding tissue. Perform the treatment for 10-45 minutes at minimum intervals up to 5 times. After the operation, the growth may hurt, turn black and eventually disappear;
  • solid medicine. Its purpose is to remove warts and papillomas without a trace and without pain. Thanks to the pencil, it is possible to prevent re-infection and new growth on the skin;
  • is ​​a product that comes in the form of a transparent liquid. It is guaranteed to remove papillomas of different sizes. Aggressive preparation is strictly applied to growth. One week after processing, peeling and drying begin.

Home remedies for removing warts and papillomas can be used once the study has confirmed the good quality of the tumors.

Transfer of healthcare institutions

In case of damage to large papillomas on a regular basis, it is recommended to remove one of the available medical methods. The following safe and effective surgical procedures are available:

  • solvent solidification. Allows you to get rid of cosmetic defects without a trace, pain. Your doctor burns growth without affecting healthy skin. The ray does not touch the infected epidermis and papillomavirus does not spread further, relapses are excluded. It is used in cases where small papillomas are located in large numbers in one area. Preliminary examination of carcinogenic effects is mandatory, after evaporation it is impossible to conduct histology, there is no substance;
  • electricity. A common method to eliminate various skin growths. The high-frequency current cuts off the relevant tissues and simultaneously vessels. This prevents the disease from recurring in the treated area. After the operation there is a trace left. Shown for small episodes. It is permissible to cut multiple papillomas per batch;
  • cryodestruction. One of the oldest treatments for skin diseases. Liquid nitrogen acts on the nerve endings of the growth and kills them. After the operation, discoloration and crust formation are observed. Pain and ichor may occur. After a few days, complete drying takes place;
  • radio waves. A radio knife is used to remove warts. It works on the basis of wave frequency. Due to the lack of skin contact, the risk of recurrence is minimal;
  • surgery. It is prescribed to the patient in the case when the formation has reached a large size, or the cells have begun to degenerate into cancer and urgent surgery is necessary. The surgeon cuts off the papilla with a scalpel and grabs a small piece of healthy skin. This reduces the risk of oncology and prevents papillomatosis.

The method is chosen by your doctor. If necessary, the patient receives local anesthesia.

Recipes for Home Remedies for Throat Papillomas

If there are contraindications to surgical destruction, you can use the popular experience of HPV treatment. Talk to your doctor before using this medicine. An expert will help you choose a recipe and tell you about the precautions. If you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene and do not protect healthy skin, new papillomas will grow at the treatment site, the cells that are removed will be larger.

№1Soap (household or tar type). Wash the affected area, foam with a thick layer of soap. Apply polyethylene compress and bandage / plaster on top. Modify until the structure disappears.

№2Chop celandine leaves and stems. Squeeze the juice out with a cheesecloth. Treat each individual element with the resulting liquid. For the first few days, repeat the operation every 3 hours and then once every 3 days. This is a harmful method for pregnant women and young children!

№3Cut or break the aloe leaf and attach it to the sore spot with a cut. Close the top with polyethylene, bandage. Make a compress before bed, clean in the morning. Repeat until the skin is cleansed.

# 4Lubricate the papillae with apple cider vinegar. Be careful if there are a lot of papillomas on the neck, do not touch healthy skin. For protection, it is recommended to treat the neck with a lotion. Cover the treated growth with an adhesive patch.

An important condition for achieving a lasting medical effect is regular use of prescriptions. Be patient. Homeopathy works long but reliably.

Exits and Forecasts

If not removed, small papillomatous growths can infect the surrounding healthy skin and cover the neck, face, arms and other parts of the body. Papillomas are fragile, violating their integrity can lead to bleeding, as well as additional infection.

Painful, bleeding, swollen tumors are dangerous. These symptoms indicate the development of cancerous tumors - malignant transformation of tissues. The virus damages the skin and causes the cells in the epidermis to grow uncontrollably and turn into cancer. A qualified expert can stop or prevent the process. Regular examination and treatment is a prerequisite for living with papillomavirus.

Body or dark brown warts on the body rarely attract the user's attention, if they do not spoil the appearance or are sore. In vain can such a lack of attention to one's own body and skin prove miserable. Foot growth is a major symptom of papillomavirus. It indicates that the body is infected, is now under attack. It is possible to correct the condition and restore health, but only if complex treatment is conditional.